Willow`s Ahnentafel

Eltern Großeltern Ur-Großeltern Ur-Ur-Großeltern
Laureate Musical Ride

Ch. Laureate Macadamia
Ch. Solange Valedictorian

Ch. Paray's Cambridge

Ch. Solange Significant
Ch. Laureate Christie Brinkley

Ch. Laureate Inception

Ch. Laureate Jivara
Laureate Invaluable
Ch. Laureate Invictus

Ch. Laureate Inception

Ch. Laureate Valrhona
Ch. Laureate Immortality

Ch. Brandina Carmylie Double Digit

Ch Laureate Epitome
Aim a fame Abigail vom Ohmtalteufel

Ch. Dawnville You’ve Gotta Be Kidding
Ch. Hillacre High On Style

Ch. Aanara Knight Move

Ch. Hillacre Hylites O' Sarah
Dawnville Queen of Spades

Ch. Faradale Frisbee for Grandgables

Ch. Dawnville Tri'n Stop Me
Ch. Zoji Zest for life vom Ohmtalteufel
Pl, SK, Rus, LT, RKF Ch.
Moorwood Caribbean Night Trophy


S, FIN, DK Ch.
Grandgables Say it Again Sam


Moorwood Caribbean Crystal Blue
Ch. Dawnville Where There’s Smoke

Ch. Grandgables Dressed to Impress

Ch. Dawnville Naughty By Nature

Die Bilder von Mountie und Abbi hat mir freundlicher Weise Beate Alexander zur Verfügung gestellt!

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